Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Slightly controversial/depressing

So, unless you've been living under a rock for the past decade or so, everyone's probably heard about the Mayan prophecy that the world is going to end in the year 2012. Well, I've grown up in a very religious home my whole life, so I was raised to believe that any prophecy or prediction was false and that no one can predict the end of the world. Well, I'm not saying that I believe it, but it's hard to not have doubts when we look at the shape our world is in today. The lack of morals and the way that the media manipulates everyone in such a liberal way is truly scary to think about. I don't know that much about the federal government and the whole political system, so I'm not going to try to sound like I do. But what I do know is that Obama is a truly evil human being. He has no morals and he does not have any faith in this country. People say that Bush was such a terrible president, well in my opinion he wasn't conservative enough. He did what the people wanted and then when that fell through, the people blamed him. And when you think about all of the things that we have as consumers and the development of new technology, we have way more than we need. Obviously it makes life easier, but how much of this stuff do we actually need? I wasn't alive back in the pilgrim days, but people worked hard back then and they appreciated what they had. Now, everything is just taken for granted. This is honestly why I feel that it's all coming to an end. I don't mean to be a "debbie downer" lol, but I don't think that God would be very happy with the direction we are headed in right now. At the same time, however, I feel that everything happens at a certain time for a reason. So, maybe this is all meant to play out this way. Hopefully somewhere down the road we'll have a president that is more concerned with re-building a solid Democracy. Universal health care is certainly not the way to do that. And all I can say to the people that think it's a good idea is just wait. Yeah, it's all nice to have tax payers pay for your health care so that you don't have to, but when the working class is going broke because we're paying for you people, we'll see how great of shape we're in.

1 comment:

  1. Debbie Downer much?!? you need some uplifting music! :)
