Tuesday, June 29, 2010

One nation...UNDER GOD!

It's been a while since I last blogged, but I'm returning on a more specific note this time. It involves an article I found on Yahoo.com as I was checking my e-mail just about 5 minutes ago. Apparently there was some atheist group in North Carolina that decided it would be a good idea to make a giant billboard saying "One nation...Indivisible." What's wrong with this, you might ask? The line "Under God" is missing. The point of the article, however, comes in because some unknown vandals spray painted the missing words onto the billboard! This made me very happy to see that some people in this nation still believe that God should be a part of our lives. Of course there are legal actions being taken because of the vandalism and the "defacing" of public property. Whatever. I'm extremely offended by the sign in the first place, so how about some legal action against the inconsiderate atheists who apparently NEED to get their atheism publicized. There's no doubt that they were intentionally trying to piss off the Christian community more than they were actually trying to get their own name out. Which is totally O.K.! I remember when the Chronicles of Narnia movie came out back in 2005, and it was within the first week of its' theatrical release that I saw a news segment saying "Is the Chronicles of Narnia TOO religious?" How about being too ATHEIST??? I get physically disgusted when I think about how twisted this whole issue of "Church and State" has become. It's like people have completely forgotten what our nation was built on. There are many better ways for an atheist group to make their existence known. This is not only extremely uncalled for, but it's also just another chance for everyone who DOESN'T believe in God to try and piss off the population that does believe. It's a sad, sad fact that people can't just live their lives, but they really feel the need to offend someone. Well, I'd say they got what was coming to them.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Updated life

I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE SPLICE TOMORROW! I have a sweet new job. I make fat cash errday. hahaha. I haven't posted anything new for a while...I've been kinda lazy haha! But I'm havin a blast this summer so far! I can't remember if I've mentioned this already but I'm doing a summer movie project with Ball State for the TCOM department. We have already done three days of shooting and its been awesome! Im a camera man and I really like it so far. But tomorrow we have a night shoot so we don't even start til 9pm...which means I'm sleeping IN TOMORROW! haha. I have a bunch of videos that I've worked on this past year and I really need to get them uploaded! I need make a resume reel too...hmmm I should get on that hahaha. Can't wait for SportsLink in the Fall and to be CardinalVision General Manager!! I'm really pumped to be stepping up and taking on a really important position for the TCOM department. I'm honored that I can be trusted with something like that and I can't wait for it to kick into gear!! That's all for now haha..