Sunday, June 6, 2010

Updated life

I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE SPLICE TOMORROW! I have a sweet new job. I make fat cash errday. hahaha. I haven't posted anything new for a while...I've been kinda lazy haha! But I'm havin a blast this summer so far! I can't remember if I've mentioned this already but I'm doing a summer movie project with Ball State for the TCOM department. We have already done three days of shooting and its been awesome! Im a camera man and I really like it so far. But tomorrow we have a night shoot so we don't even start til 9pm...which means I'm sleeping IN TOMORROW! haha. I have a bunch of videos that I've worked on this past year and I really need to get them uploaded! I need make a resume reel too...hmmm I should get on that hahaha. Can't wait for SportsLink in the Fall and to be CardinalVision General Manager!! I'm really pumped to be stepping up and taking on a really important position for the TCOM department. I'm honored that I can be trusted with something like that and I can't wait for it to kick into gear!! That's all for now haha..

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