Friday, July 20, 2012


For as long as I can remember, I have been a loner.  Although that's probably not what most people would describe me as.  I'm a writer, and a very emotional one at that.  I think most writers have a default "loner" setting that their mind falls into whenever they feel that ping of emotion or motivation. In a writer's life, those two terms feel very interchangeable.
So anyway, I'll find myself here at my computer with nothing all that interesting to say...not to other people at least...because what I want to ramble on about isn't of any importance to anyone but myself. Honestly, it shouldn't have any importance at all because what it comes down to is self-pity...and nobody likes a cry baby.
What I'm seeking is the motivation.  I write, yes, but it's not as easy as it seems. Even the most imaginative and creative writer doesn't want to lock themselves in a room and write for hours on end. It's depressing.
And being here in this new city basically alone for the last two depressing. But I haven't spent all that much time writing.
Oh I don't know. I guess I'll just pull my head out of that place where the sun don't shine and force myself to get over it.  What else can you do?
I'm at a loss.

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